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Printed products bring sweet sounds in the street scene as well as your cash register

The traditional A4 brochure is an excellent form of marketing material, if it is targeted at a carefully selected group at the right time and its contents are well-thought-out. Add some shapes and special effects, and you’re sure to get the results you want.

This traditional brochure only needed minor adjustments to transform into a first-class attraction. Wouldn’t it be nice to invite your customers in before Christmas, using a gingerbread-shaped card which also smells like gingerbread? It would stay in their minds for quite a while, and have them remembering you even next Christmas.

Many of us who grew up in the 70s remember the home-made noisemakers attached next to bike wheels in our youth using clothespins borrowed from our mothers. This idea was implemented in the Liikkuva Mikkeli sports project, where bike noisemakers decorated with the project logo were distributed to elementary school children.

The atmosphere of sports events is boosted by the ‘Läpsytin,’ a type of noisemaker, which is an excellent example of targeting the message at an enthusiastic audience. It’s a product to make your palms sweat!

Customer magazines allow companies to get their most important thoughts directly to the customers. When the materials used for first-rate products support the look and corporate image and the implementation is well-thought-out all the way to distribution, the resulting customer experience is worth remembering.

Add to this an online magazine with even more contents, and the end result can be enjoyed by both current and future customers, as the link is easy to distribute via social media and email.

Why not try it out?

Read more about the cooperation between Grano and Stora Enso, which has resulted in several  internationally awarded print projects.

Case Stora Enso

The article was originally published on 22.10.2015 and has been updated on 6.02.2024.