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Would you like to place an order or request a quote?


Place an order or
request a quote


Order products from
Grano Shop, our webshop

Products delivered directly to your home in four business days!


Contact us, ask for more information or request a quote!

We accept quote requests from private consumers only for election advertising materials, construction drawings, CAD prints, book orders and worksite boards and signs.

If you are a private consumer, we recommend ordering products directly from Grano Shop, our webshop. Quote requests submitted by companies and organisations will be processed as normal.

Grano provides services at 21 different locations in Finland. Our headquarters are located in Helsinki. Our location-specific contact information can be found here.

customer service

+358 29 1800 400

(Mon–Fri 8:00–16:00) – €0.088/min + local network charge


We reduce our environmental impact by operating responsibly and sustainably


We take environmental impacts into account in all our operations as part of our corporate social responsibility. In fact, our goal is to be the most environmentally responsible operator in our industry. To achieve this goal we actively develop our operations based on the needs of our customers, national and international recommendations and our own values.

We measure our performance constantly and work towards achieving our sustainability goals. We are also constantly seeking new ways of improving the environmental responsibility of our operations. Read more about our corporate social responsibility ››